Object number2019.001.0010
Mediumwood, metal
DimensionsOther: 22 × 4.5 × 4 in. (55.9 × 11.4 × 10.2 cm)
DescriptionA marionette of a young man wearing matching trousers and tunic. Both are light blue with a colorful floral print. Pink rick rack, and black and white cording with sequins decorate the tunic. He also wears a pastel pink cape covered with a white floral print. A wide length of brown fur runs across its top and its lining matches the tunic and trousers. Light brown ankle boots with silver buckles are on his feet. He has dark brown hair under a light blue hat with a pink feather in the side. A long wire with a wooden rod at its top is inserted into his head while four strings connect his legs and arms to its top.On View
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