Object number2024.063.0034
Mediumegg shell
DimensionsOther: 6 × 5 in. (15.2 × 12.7 cm)
DescriptionAn etched chicken egg dyed black. The large image that lies on its front side depicts a flock of sheep and its tender, staring at an odd statue. There appears to be a dog at his feet. Trees and buildings form the background. There is another image on either side of this one. To the right, is a flower surrounded by alternating roses and leaves. The other image has a flower in its center with sprigs of wheat all around. In between all of the images, and covering the remainder of the egg, are elongated dots and hearts. A flower is etched on the top and bottom of the egg. White cording is strung through the egg, with a knot at the bottom and loops at the top. Red cording is tied to the white cording in a loop.On View
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