Object number2017.086.0001
Mediumpaper, glass, wood
DimensionsOther: 28 × 41.5 in. (71.1 × 105.4 cm)
DescriptionA framed travel poster featuring a woman wearing traditional folk dress from Piešťany, Slovakia. She dances in front of a rectanglar background of plain ecru. The two primary colors of her kroj are yellow and blue. The signature of artist, Joza Uprka lies in the bottom right corner of the background.Lines of wording are printed above and below the woman's background. "Národopisný deň 1./VIII. 1926 Piešťany" is printed above and "Kto chce vidiet' kroje-Spevy-Tance-Zvyky-Obyčaje Slovenska, nech príde do Piešt'an. Zo všetkých staníc železničné lístky s 25% sl'avou. Každý návšt'evník obdeží darom umeleckú bronzovú plaketku." is printed beneath. The text encourages travelers to visit Piešťany, siting its costumes, songs, dances, customs and residents. The poster is housed in a brown frame that has a row of spheres around its inner edge.Artist/MakerJoza Uprka
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